We operate on Macintosh and PC platform with the most varied programs (InDesign CS2, Photoshop CS2, Freehand MX, Illustrator CS2, CorelDRAW X5, etc.). The outputs are made in laser printers electrostatic excellent resolution and final layer of protection glossy or matte. Files sent for printing can be open or closed (closed eps, pdf, prn or extension files to images such as tif, jpg, pcx, psd, etc.)
Your files with size up to 6MB, can be sent e-mail to job@rsprint.com.br.
Larger files may come FTP(for users of Windows Explorer or through an FTP program to type in the address bar):
Data from FTP:
FTP: ftp://site@rsprint.com.br
User: site@rsprint.com.br
Password: rsprint
Windows Users
1. Step - Open Windows Explorer.
2. Step - In the address bar enter the FTP (ftp://site@rsprint.com.br). And apeter the ENTER key.
3. Step - A window will open asking for the User (site@rsprint.com.br) and Password (rsprint). Click Logon.
4. Step - By logging in, to your right in Windows Explorer you can put a folder as the project name with your files.
5. Step - For best service call us warning that your file is now available.
Important! Read!
Sending files opened for print, remember to also send the linked images and fonts used. If not please send the fonts, convert to curve your text files with little text.
- Any requested change in the client's file will be charged separately.
- When using the tool lens CorelDraw not forget to freeze the lens before finalizing your.
- Make a color table for one of our printers have a reference of color to be used, but never forget that colors are approximate and depend on the setting of the printer.
- See RSprint staff about which programs and versions are used in the print shop.
- Always resolution between 200 and 300 dpi in your images and CMYK mode. Always prefer to save your files in tif or jpg with high quality.
- Avoid overuse of effects mainly powerclips lenses and CorelDraw, because it runs the risk of not being printed.
- Refer to the commands of insertion or import programs, never use copy / paste to include elements.
- To check if your Postscript file was closed in the correct pattern, use Adobe Acrobat Distiller.
- Questions, suggestions or complaints please call us tel.: 21 3982 2323.